Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are words that, when used together, describe policies and programs that promote the representations, participation and contributions of different groups of individuals as set forth in Policy 0523 Equity and Diversity including but not limited to people of different race, culture, religion, mental and physical ability, sexual orientation, or gender expression or identity.
More specifically:
- Schools should be welcoming and supportive spaces for our students.
- Our curriculum should be infused with materials that include diverse authors, protagonists, heroes and historical figures.
- When studying topics in our classroom, our students will learn through multiple lenses and points of view.
- Schools should embrace kindness and diversity. Any form of harassment or bullying based on personal characteristics, as enumerated above, will not be tolerated.
- As educators, we need to provide various perspectives on topics and remain apolitical. To encourage critical thinking, we need to develop learning environments that allow students to identify and understand perspectives provided in the material and related discussions, and to draw their own informed conclusions. That is where true learning occurs.
DEI Resources
Calendar of Observances and Events
- NHS Students Advocating for Diversity and Equity (SADE)
- NHS Deep Dive Book Discussion Group
- NHS Gay Straight Alliance (GSA)
What is DEI?
Diversity Refers To All Aspects of Human Difference, Social Identities, and Social Group Differences, Including But Not Limited to Race, Ethnicity, Creed, Color, Sex, Gender, Gender Identity, Sexual Identity, Socio-Economic Status, Language, Culture, National Origin, Religion/Spirituality, Age, (Dis)ability, and Military/Veteran Status, Political Perspective, and Associational Preferences.
Equity Refers to Working Toward Fair Opportunities and Outcomes For Everyone By Removing Barriers That Often Result In Unique Challenges and Disadvantages. Historic-Current. Equity Is Different Than Equality In That Equality Implies Treating Everyone the Same As If Their Experiences Are Exactly the Same.
Inclusion Is About Achieving An Environment Which Those In It Feel Respected, Have a Sense Of Belonging, Are Granted Equal Access To Opportunities and They Can Contribute Fully To Whatever Environment They Are In To Achieve Their Full Potential.
DEI School-Based Teams
Newtown Public Schools is committed to addressing equity and inclusion across the district. Currently, we have 7 schools identified for DEI Teams that represent all levels as the initial work has started. We are very excited to be able to further expand the equity work across all schools in the district. As such, each school will have two Equity Leaders. We will train the cadre of equity leaders made up of two teachers from each of the Newtown public schools. Equity Leaders will be responsible for supporting equity through learning in-services, professional development days, professional learning community time.
PEAC DEI Subcommittee
The PEAC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sub-group commits to partnering with the Newtown Public School Schools in the journey to cultivate, nurture and sustain a safe, respectful and inclusive culture across the district.
We intend to recognize the integrity of diversity and to inspire dialogue and forge community bond
The PEAC Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sub-group commits to partnering with the Newtown Public School Schools in the journey to cultivate, nurture and sustain a safe, respectful and inclusive culture across the district.
We intend to recognize the integrity of diversity and to inspire dialogue and forge community bond