Grade 4
Responsive Classroom
Classroom Observations
Grade 3
Responsive Classroom
Grade 2
Responsive Classroom
Buddy Classes
Grade 1
Responsive Classroom
Responsive Classroom
Grade 4
Transition to Reed
Diversity and Kindness
Backpack Program
Kindness Month
Friend at Middle Gate
Grade 3
Navigating Social Situations
Growth Mindset
Ben's Bell Collaboration
Restorative Practices
Grade 2
Respecting Differences
Friendship Skills
Therapy Dog Collaboration
Second Step
Grade 1
Identifying Feelings
Empathy and Kindness
Skills for Learning
Lunch Bunch
Peer Relationships
Role of the Sch. Counselor
Snack Packs
Future Goals
Grade 4
Identifying Careers
Career Day
Career Fair
Career Mix It Up Lunch
Grade 3
Dot Day
Career Day
Grade 2
Career Day
Grade 1
Career Day
Exploring Careers
Career Day